Israel-Palestine: Victims of Misunderstanding
Israel-Palestine: Victims of Misunderstanding 14th May 1948. The British Mandate of Palestine was formally terminated by the British government. This was followed by the creation of two independent states- the State of Israel and the State of Palestine, in accordance with the UN Partition plan laid out in Resolution 181 of the UN General Assembly, with the holy city of Jerusalem placed under UN administration. This resolution was vehemently opposed by Arab nations, who instead wished for a single Arab state in Palestine. As a result, on 15th May 1948, exactly one day after its independence, Israel was attacked on three fronts by five Arab states- Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. Despite the odds, Israel won a phenomenal victory over the Arabs, due in part to good Israeli military planning, and partly to strategic blunders by the Arab states and a lack of coordination between them. As a result of the war, Israel found itself in possession of one-third more terr...