
Showing posts from December, 2018

A Saga of Hypocrisy-Part I: The Middle East and the West

A Saga of Hypocrisy-Part I: The Middle East and the West Ever since the discovery of vast reserves of crude oil in the Middle East, it has become a hotspot for intervention, conflict, and complex geopolitics. The Western Powers, such as UK, France, and especially the US, along with the not-so-western Russia, have been ceaselessly embroiled in Middle Eastern affairs for more than a century today. In the immediate years following the end of the Second World War, the major colonial powers of  UK and France found themselves unable to sustain their colonial ambitions, having drained all their resources and finances in the war. And so began the hasty withdrawal of the British and French from their numerous colonies and protectorates and the creation of numerous independent states. Such was the case in the Middle East as well, where the British and French both had their respective territories. However, despite there being almost no ethnic and cultural diversity in the region, a quag...