Cruising towards an Orwellian Reality
Cruising towards an Orwellian Reality
“I was
wondering what would break first: your spirit, or your body?”
(The Dark Knight
Rises, 2012)
To facilitate a better understanding of the theme, certain
clarifications are in order. What exactly entails an ‘Orwellian Reality’? Well,
the term was coined by political commentators to describe dystopian realities characterised
by tyrannical totalitarian governments, with nearly zero individual liberty
ascribed to citizens, and near-total thought control and manipulation by the
state. The word ‘Orwellian’ is used because such a reality was first imagined
by the great author-political thinker, George Orwell, most notably in his novel
Now, a brief commentary about the status quo, the
run-up to the status quo, and what may likely follow the status quo. One could
likely argue that the conditions relevant to this theme began from 1917
onwards. For the purpose of this article, I shall divide the time from 1917
till present day into 4 periods:
- 1917-1945 (Post Russian Revolution to WWII)
- 1945-1991 (Cold War)
- 2001-2016 (War on Terror to Right-Wing Resurgence)
- 2016-Present Day (Right Wing Resurgence)
Post the Russian Revolution is when the first preliminary
elements of this Orwellian reality could faintly be seen as coming into being. Every
stage hence represents an advancement towards this reality, with new Orwellian elements
coming into play and the existing ones being strengthened.
October 1917, one of the most significant events in world
history ever to occur. The existing monarchy in Russia is overthrown by the Bolsheviks
led by V.I. Lenin, who then proceed to execute Tsar Nicholas II along with his
family and loyalists. Immediately, a Communist regime is established in Russia,
which in 1922 is christened the USSR (Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics),
following a devastating and bloody civil war from which the Bolsheviks emerge
The USSR was led by the Communist Party (formerly the
Bolsheviks), which was at the time was the only legal political party in the
country. The Party exercised near total control over all aspects of the country
and its citizens’ lives. Dissent in any manner was not tolerated, compliance to
the policies of the Party was mandatory, and basic freedoms, such as freedom of
speech, freedom to practice any profession of one’s choosing, freedom of
navigation etc. were denied to the citizens. The state’s internal security
apparatus (like the NKVD) monitored the citizens, and exercised extraordinary
powers of extrajudicial action.
Indeed, as is well known, the situation became at
least ten times worse in 1924, when the [relatively] moderate Lenin died, giving
way to Joseph Stalin, his successor as the leader of the Communist Party and
the USSR.
Stalin is known for his excesses in governing the USSR.
He was a power-hungry, brutal tyrant, who demanded absolute compliance to his
authority. He went to great lengths to eradicate all potential competitors from
the Party, most notably Trotsky, who was exiled and later assassinated at Stalin’s
behest. Stalin went on to meticulously alter history, by even getting Trotsky
obliterated from earlier photographs.
Stalin’s propaganda campaign was also extremely vast.
Posters glorifying the Party and demonising the Western Capitalists and the Kulaks
(rich farmers) were common. The NKVD indulged in a far-reaching campaign to
eradicate these kulaks, who were chosen in an a highly arbitrary manner,
with the word term itself lacking a clear definition. Farcical trials were also
common, and of course, the famous Gulags (labour camps) were also set up
by Stalin, wherein all dissenters were condemned to work themselves till death.
Here, we see the Orwellian elements of propaganda and
absolute, brutal totalitarianism flourish. While restricted to Russia for the
time being, we see their spread as time progresses further, most notably in
In 1933, a very similar process begins to take place
after Adolf Hitler assumes power in Germany, with the Nazi Party becoming the
only legal party in the country. Again, massive misinformation campaigns take place,
this time propagating the Nazi ideology of the supremacy of the Aryan Race,
demonising Jews, Communists, Slavic Peoples, the infirm, and homosexuals. The Nazi
Party and Hitler are pedestalised and deified by the propaganda campaigns that ensue.
Massive militarisation takes place in Germany, making its armed forces among
the largest and most powerful in all of Europe, and perhaps, the world.
In Nazi Germany too, totalitarianism flourishes, with
the Gestapo monitoring citizens’ every movement, and all suspected dissenters
(along with the ‘undesirables’) being rounded up and shot/confined to concentration
Following Germany’s withdrawal from the USSR and
Eastern Europe, Stalin’s Red Army moved in to fill in the vacuum. The Red Army
then proceeded to wipe out all opposition in the occupied nations, and began to
establish Soviet-style communist regimes, to play the role of puppets in the
hands of the leadership in Moscow. A similar form of repression and thought
manipulation ensued in these nations, except that these took place whilst under
occupation of a vast and powerful foreign military force. Thus, the ‘Iron
Curtain’ came into being, separating the liberal democracies of Western Europe
from the communistic satellite states in Eastern Europe. The Iron Curtain was
very much courtesy of the Communists, and it served as much as to keep the West
out as to keep the occupied peoples in.
The Party yet again made elaborate arrangements for
its propaganda campaigns in these nations, infiltrating all spheres of public
and private life, seeking not only to glorify Communism, but also the USSR itself.
No citizen could behave contrary to the wishes of his/her national leadership,
and the national leadership could not behave contrary to the wishes of Stalin.
The NKVD (later the KGB) played an essential part in organising disinformation,
manipulation, abduction, and assassination campaigns.
The Party also was embroiled in an endless struggle
with the USA and its CIA, who were tirelessly engaged in efforts to destabilise
the Soviet regime. Radio Liberty is one of the most famous examples of the
American attempts to counter the propaganda campaigns of the Soviets in Eastern
This status quo could very well have extended endlessly
without end, because not unlike the Party depicted in Orwell’s 1984, the
Communist Party was excessively effective in its control of the population.
Perhaps the only tangible reason for the end of this
status quo was Mikhail Gorbachev. A man of conscience, the final leader of the
USSR could clearly not tolerate the oppressive legacy left behind by Stalin.
His attempts to liberalise Eastern Europe and the USSR’s economies and
lifestyles led to the Communists’ downfall. The military withdrawal from
Eastern Europe led to the rapid collapse of the Communist regimes installed
there, while liberalisation policies like perestroika and glasnost in
the USSR led to increased transparency, and the unveiling of unpleasant historic
records that were previously well-concealed by the Party, most notably those of
the Holodomor, the massive man-made famine of 1933, perpetuated by Stalin in
Ukraine, leading to millions of deaths and intense suffering. All of these
measures led to uprisings and protests against the Russian-dominated Soviet
leadership in the other Soviet Republics, ultimately leading to their secession
from the USSR. Thus, came the twilight of the Soviet Union and the Communist
This example clearly indicates the fact that the apparatus
of an oppressive Orwellian state is not inherently weak, and may in fact be
airtight, but can only be weakened at the discretion of its leaders themselves.
As long as the leader’s conscience is capable of accepting such a status quo,
the state may be as oppressive as s/he may desire.
9th September, 2001. A day of tragedy,
permanently etched in the pages of history. Planes hijacked by al-Qaeda were
crashed into the Twin Towers (New York) and the Pentagon (Washington D.C.),
leading to more than 3,000 dead. A blatant act of terror, directly perpetrated
on US soil. However, this day is not remembered only for the tragedy that occurred,
but also for the radical changes it brought about.
9/11 marked a paradigm shift in US policy, and a
change in US policy inevitably means change in the global geopolitical scenario.
The War on Terror was initiated, and the US swiftly moved into Afghanistan to
topple the Taliban regime and root out all al-Qaeda presence there. US forces
also entered Pakistan in its search for Osama bin Laden, and later in 2003,
invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam Hussein. The US had not launched a full-scale
invasion of any country ever since the Vietnam War in 1961. 9/11 awoke the
sleeping behemoth.
The US markedly changed its policy towards terrorist groups
from one of ‘containment’ to one of ‘prevention’. It aimed to stop terrorists from
mobilising and planning attack in the first place, through covert intelligence
means, using the tools of the FBI, CIA, and NSA (National Security Agency).
Here is when democracy begins to be bypassed and Orwellian elements are introduced.
These intelligence agencies were (and still are) given
extraordinary powers of surveillance and active action, with almost zero
transparency about their functioning. No doubt these agencies operated similarly
during the Cold War, but increase in their powers post 9/11 and rapid
technological advancements made them far more effective (and therefore
These agencies possess unimaginable surveillance capabilities,
allegedly gaining access to ordinary citizens’ devices’ various inputs, such as
cameras and microphones, thus attempting to monitor their movements, for ‘suspected
terrorist activities’. The scale of this silent atrocity was first revealed by
the famous CIA whistle-blower, Edward Snowden.
This monitoring of citizens is not unlike that which
takes place in Orwell’s 1984, wherein the Party views its citizens
through their homes’ television sets and concealed microphones, to root out all
forms of secretive dissent against the Party and ‘Big Brother’.
There is also considerable lack of transparency in the
extrajudicial and illegitimate detention of individuals (both US citizens and foreigners)
by the CIA in ‘Black Sites’ stationed all around the globe, and in the treatment
of these prisoners. The US military-run detention centre at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba
is particularly infamous in its (mis)treatment of inmates, usually ‘suspected’
terrorists, illegally detained with no due process of law, being denied a
hearing in court, access to a lawyer, and communication with their families and
authorities of their home countries.
Torture (euphemised as ‘Enhanced Interrogation Techniques’)
in these detention centres is common, both physical and mental variations.
Their religious beliefs are also deliberately abused, along with their bodies
and minds. Sexual abuse is fairly commonplace. Human rights have no meaning
Such dismal lack of transparency, illegitimate privacy
violation, illegal and indefinite detention, human rights violations etc are
all reminiscent of Orwellian themes, and constitute a blatant thwarting of
2016-Present Day
The situation aggravates further from here onwards. In
the previous phase, we saw the covert undermining of democracy. But now, this
process becomes far more vast and shockingly overt. Why 2016 you’d ask? November
2016 to be precise, the day the people of the United States of America elected Donald
J. Trump as their President.
Donald Trump. Where to begin? Conservative. White
Supremacist. Alleged sexual offender. Elitist businessman. The man who believes
climate change is a hoax. Severe opponent of arms control. Currently being
investigated for abuse of power. Wants to wall off an entire national border.
One could go on and on.
Objections may arise at this point. Who am I to suddenly
classify this regime as Orwellian just because I disagree with its political ideas?
Well, simply because of the actions this man’s
regressive ideals lead to. Curtailing of civil liberties for example. Many
minorities such as Blacks, members of the LGBTQ community, Hispanics, Jews etc
have faced discrimination under his regime.
Black students face discrimination in the public
education system in numerous ways, while urban areas occupied by blacks tend to
be underdeveloped and neglected by authorities. No action is taken against police
personnel who shoot innocent black citizens. But one could argue that this
state of affairs has been ongoing for centuries.
But what of the continual harassment of the Hispanics
and immigrants? Deportation is not illegitimate. Illegitimate is the harassment
of the immigrants by immigration authorities, their indefinite detention and the
separation of young children from their parents. Illegitimate is the exceedingly
toxic rhetoric being spewed against them, with them being labelled as criminals,
when they were fleeing crime in the first place.
Also illegitimate is the so-called ‘religious freedom’
accorded to doctors in the country, wherein they may legally deny treatment to
members of the LGBTQ community on these grounds. Further, we have Republican leaders
who state on live television (read as: Fox News) that Jews and Muslims should
be ‘exterminated’ from the Earth and so on, and these leaders are let off the
What of Brett Kavanaugh? A Supreme Court judge nominated
by Trump’s party, also an alleged sexual offender.
All these signs indicate towards a society in
regression (at least for now). The political leadership is infested with powerful
individuals who, either consciously or unconsciously, believe in the supremacy
of White, American, Rich, Straight Males in society, and then go on to
undermine the liberties of all others. Orwellian? Looks like it.
Now a look at India. Unfortunately, a trend has arisen
here too. A trend of right-wing religious nationalism. Sure, in the international
sphere, India has arisen to previously unforeseen heights of influence. But
parallel to that, we see the resurgence of extremist thought, which sees little
opposition from the state apparatus, with several sections of it also backing such
ideas and actions.
Mob lynching has become an acute problem in Indian society
today. These incidents are often unprovoked, and elicit only temporary outrage
in our society and polity. These lead to an undesired alienation of the Muslim
minority in the country, and reflect very poorly on our society. It is reminiscent
of 1860s America, where the Ku Klux Klan would take to lynching Blacks, often
on roads or highways. No modern civilised society should have such a status
quo, and we ought to abide by our national morals of equality, secularism, and
Further, actions like the Beef Ban do little to help. This
move was nothing but a blatant and direct utilitarian measure to placate a
section of the majority, infringing on the basic right to choose for the rest
of the population. The logic of such a measure remains in question.
The Centre has also attempted many other actions.
Hindi imposition was a tried (but failed) one, eliciting severe backlash from
the polity of Southern and North Eastern India. Another controversial move
initiated by the centre was the RTI Amendment Act, allowing the Central government
to alter the salaries of RTI officials. This move severely weakens the
independence of RTI, thus undermining its effectiveness.
Furthermore, we see many leaders of the ruling party
making objectionable comments, yet being let off the hook. Then, we see
advocacy of groups like the RSS, whose conservative and majoritarian philosophies
are alarming.
Another regrettable policy is of the National Register
of Citizens in Assam. The NRC has far too many loopholes, and has great potential
for targeted discrimination. Yet, despite its evident drawbacks, it receives wholehearted
backing by the State.
Presently, in an ongoing hearing at the Supreme Court, the Centre is petitioning to acquire access to private chats on platforms like
Facebook and WhatsApp. This constitutes a severe violation of privacy, and the
fact that the government is even seeking authority for such a move is excessively
worrying. National security cannot be used as a premise for such a massive breach
of privacy.
This disbalance between the harmony of liberty and
social order, becomes reminiscent yet again of an Orwellian reality.
A third, and final mention, is that of Islamist extremism. Perhaps
the greatest evil of our times, areas under their influence are, in their entirety,
almost completely Orwellian. Arbitrary control by so-called authorities,
twisted connotation of religious texts, frequent and unjustified violence,
often against women and children, propaganda, brainwashing, privacy violation,
absence of personal liberty, intolerance of dissent and so on, all exist in
these regions.
Hi Ron! As usual a good read. I wonder if there is anything like a post 9/11 world? Statistically speaking it may not be since the current era is supposed to be the most peaceful in terms of human suffering from warfare. But we are in the information age and we are more aware than we ever were. We are able to connect disparate dots and that perhaps sets the alarm bells ringing. Do give this a quick read for another perspective on the rise of right-wing populism
ReplyDeleteAnd keep at it. Cheers!
Wow! A comprehensive article. Very clean and crisp.
ReplyDeleteIn the social history of the human race, the periods of social liberty, freedom and true democracy have been very limited. Fiefdom, authoritarian regimes, totalitarian regimes, et al have been the dominant themes over centuries. The experiments with democracy started only in the early the 17th century with the first attempt by the French, keeping the ancient Greek democratic ways in mind as just the best way devised to keep the divided fraternity United to fight the non Greeks.
ReplyDeleteThe social structure throws up this strange observation of the mass being led by a very few of those who have the ability to wield the sword of power to rule or govern.
Another observation - attempt at democracies have been forth with disruptions and where they have gain some ground have been at best curtailed & even severely on most attempts barring a few so called thriving ones. The excuses given - people are not ready for this, excuses of nationalism being compromised, et al.
Raunaq - your thoughts and observations are spot on. All the best and keep expressing.
Best wishes